Post by Jules80 on May 23, 2006 17:19:17 GMT -5
hey all! i'm moving! to southern ontario!!! i guess the moral of the story is never say never! i got a fabulous job with a great company that's really in my field. should be great! Jules
Post by me on May 23, 2006 17:47:30 GMT -5
congratulations, Jules! that's great to hear!
- d
Post by dumbdiety on May 23, 2006 18:56:44 GMT -5
YAY!!!! Go Julie!
Post by Eagle on May 23, 2006 23:05:30 GMT -5
Jules, congratulations on the new job!!! I gather you're moving from Quebec to Ontario, so it will be a bit of a different "culture" in that area.
BTW, what is your field?
Cheers and good luck!!!
Post by jennifer on May 24, 2006 4:54:08 GMT -5
Hey Jules! Im so happy you got that job! Kind of sorry you're moving away even farther now heheh But hey, i've got someone to visit in Ontario! And you probably will visit the West Island, so ill get to see you someday hahaha Eagle, she is a salmon saver lol, sorry Jules i had to say it! (oh and by the way Jules, the quebecker im with around here, has a friend who studies the same as you at the same Uni who's name is Catherine or so, and they bug her about the salmon saving bit, maybe you know her ) xoxo
Post by Jules80 on May 24, 2006 7:32:52 GMT -5
Hi guys! thanks!
Eagle - while my masters project did involve salmon habitat, my field is actually fluvial geomorphology. basically i study rivers. so this job will look a lot at erosion thersholds and flood thresholds sometimes in natural conditions and sometimes if someone wants to build something that interferes with the river.
Post by me on May 24, 2006 8:12:04 GMT -5
i know Canada is big into hydroelectric power, are fluvial geomorphologists employed in preconstruction analysis for these dams? is that the kind of thing you'd do?
- d
Post by Jules80 on May 24, 2006 8:39:20 GMT -5
certain parts of canada are big into hydro... specifically the north, west, and east... wehre there are mountains and therefore high energy rivers. while i don't think we have any contracts of the sort at the moment, i have colleagues that have done those types of analyses. re aligning channels, also erosion potential of putting in a bridge (putting in the concrete for the bridge causes scour). apparently we have a contract out east lookingat mining effects on the turbidity of the river, too. we have a bunch of contracts in the n-e us too.